Thursday, September 24, 2009

KHAKI IT!!!!!! November 15,2009

Steve Irwin Day 2009

I will be camping out Nov 14-17 2009 for Steve Irwin Day I hope to raise alot of money for the Wildlife Warriors. Please help me by making a $2 tax deductible donation to help me meet my goal and wildlife and conservation and for Steve. I spent 13 days up at the zoo and learned heaps. I saw first hand what goes on at the Australian Wildlife Animal Hospital. It can be very sad but on the other hand it was very rewarding seeing the animals they were able to save. The dedication and comment Everyone at the Zoo and the hospital have is amazing. They really need funds for so many things.Not for just at the Zoo but for all wildlife and conservation around the world,the work is never ending.

The human race can help it's self but the Animals and the Earth have no way of doing this. The greed of mankind is taking it all away. Please help the endangered animals of the world and the sick animals please I am 12 and trying to make a difference.
Did you know..Australian Wildlife Hospital, treats up to 6000 wildlife patients each year.The cost to treat each patient varies and they rely heavily on the support of generous people just like you.
Here are some of the costs
$10 buys conjunctivitis drops for koala patients
$30 buys milk for kangaroo joey patients
$50 buys anaesthetic used in life saving surgeries
$100 buys enough food for a sea turtle for three days
$120 covers basic surgical treatment for one special patient
$500 repairs a broken limb and one week of rehabilitation

$10.00 does not buy much these days but every bit helps Conservation and Wildlife Money goes to Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors
$2.00 these days buys even less, but I can tell you that $2.00 can make a very big difference 4 Wildlife & Conservation

Last year I raised 2723.00 dollars this year my goal is
$5000.00 If you want to help me reach $5000.00 please Click the Link then Click Donate then Suzie Magann :-)
Please Give So they Can LIVE I Thank YOU with ALL MY HEART "I MAY be a KID BUT I AM Making a DIFFERENCE"

I may be a kid but that does not mean I can not make a Difference!
Thank you very very much
Wildlife Warrior Suzie

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